Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gauging Gadgets and Widgets

Gadgets are nifty little apps that are wonderful little tools that you can add to your blog. Now, mind you, they may look like a widget, act like a widget but they are not a widget.
WHAT?? You may ask. A gadgets are owned. So the gadgets I have added to this site belong to Blogger such as on the left of the screen you see Blog Archive, About Me and at the very bottom of the page you see a list of Popular Posts. I also added a Google News gadget from Google Gadgets:
Okay, so you see some other stuff floating around on my page such as: The share links ( the right, the back to top button ( appears when you scroll down the page, as well as the Twitter feed ( the bottom left of the page - what about those things and how do you add them? These are widgets provided for free by third party developers and thankfully Blogger provides a gadget where you can add your own HTML/Javascript to a sidebar or near the footer of your page (all depending on the layout you have chosen). The third party developers provide the HTML/JavaScript that we can copy and paste into Bloggers HTML/JavaScript gadget to allow the widget to function.
Please note: I did go into the different widget codes to modify the way these guys look and how they are positioned on my blog page which you do not necessarily have to do.
Go out there and have fun with them. (Don't add too many, you don't want to clutter your page).

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